Letter from the Chair
Dear Friends of the IECA Foundation,
On behalf of the IECA Foundation (IECAF) Board of Trustees, I want to begin by thanking all of our friends, partners, and supporters. The landscape of this profession, and education more broadly, has evolved significantly since the Foundation was founded more than 25 years ago. What hasn’t changed is the incredible commitment our loyal supporters have had on behalf of underserved students across the country. Thank you.
I also want to formally introduce myself. I assumed the role of Chair of the IECAF Board of Trustees from Ann Rossbach, who has a longstanding tenure with the Foundation in addition to being an IECA member for more than two decades. I have worked in education for more than 25 years – currently serving as the Head of School at The Oxford Academy in Westbrook, Connecticut, a proud partner of the Foundation and friend of IECA. I have served in an abundance of roles throughout my career, from teaching to coaching, and in various areas including residential life, admissions, development, and administration. I previously served as the IECAF Grants Committee Chair, which gave me the opportunity to see first-hand the incredible impact the Foundation has on deserving non-profit organizations. The mission of the Foundation – to identify and support programs that have a significant impact on students and their educational environments – is very near and dear to my heart, and it is a great joy of mine to serve the Foundation in this capacity.
This past year, we made important strides to evolve our program, including hosting our very first virtual silent auction! With the generosity of our donors, we awarded more than $45,000 to organizations striving to improve the lives and educational trajectories of students all across the country. From Reno, Nevada, all the way to Philadelphia Pennsylvania – all of these organizations have a profound commitment to the betterment of the lives of underserved students and their families and their collective impact cannot be understated. I invite you to visit our website (www.iecafoundation.org/grant-winners) to learn more about these organizations and the incredible populations for which they serve.
This is an important moment for the Foundation as we meet increasing needs for our grantmaking, while striving to establish a sustainable program ourselves, so we can continue to grow our outreach and subsequent impact in under-resourced communities. As a 501c(3) organization, we depend entirely on the generous support of partners, like you, to make this all possible. Gifts of all sizes truly make an enormous difference! In the wise words of Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Thank you for all you continue to give - in time, talent and treasure.
With deep appreciation,
Phil Cocchiola
Board Chair, IECA Foundation